Noticias y Prensa

Aquí te dejamos algunos momentos históricos de la Religión Pastafari.


2006-05-20 Yo también soy Pastafari

2006-11-01 Reportaje en Muy Interesante [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]

2009-09-08 «Intentaron echarme de mi casa por crear el Monstruo del Espagueti Volador»

2010-05-10 La iglesia del Flying Spaguetti Monster

2010-05-28 El dios sabroso

2010-05-28 «Esto es una broma muy seria»

2011-07-29 Todo por la pasta

2012-06-08 Sellos personalizados y la «Iglesia Pastafari»

2014-11-14 Pastafaris por el mundo: luchando por la oficialidad con un colador en la cabeza

2015-03-20 De «misa» con el hermano Spaghettus: bienvenido a la primera iglesia pastafari

2015-04-10 Almuerzo con un devoto pastafari

2015-06-10 La religión Pastafari

2016-01-11 Ezkontza ‘pastafariak’ balekoak izango dira Zeelanda Berrian

2016-02-19 La iglesia que venera la pasta con albóndigas quiere legalizarse en España

2016-04-26 El monstruo del espagueti volador sobrevuela la playa de Alicante

2016-05-15 El monstruo del Espagueti Volador se queda sin música en Alicante

2016-05-24 Quiero concertar un centro educativo pastafari

2016-05-31 Bienvenidos a la nueva Fe

2016-05-31 Lo último en tendencias religiosas: El Pastafarismo llega a Mallorca

2016-09-12 ¿Posees los conocimientos necesarios para ser aceptado en la iglesia Pastafari?

2016-12-19 Ser o no ser pastafari

2017-01-11 Pastafarismo y libertad religiosa

2017-01-12 Último intento de los pastafaris para que se reconozca la religión de los espaguetis con albóndigas en España

2017-01-13 La religión del dios monstruo de espaguetis volador recurrirá a la Audiencia Nacional

2017-01-14 Somos los Testigos del Espagueti Volador, ¿nos abre?

2017-01-20 As Outras Relixións (minuto 25)

2017-01-23 La mies y los operarios

2017-01-24 Del Evangelio del Monstruo del Espagueti Volador y otras burlas

2017-01-24 Radiotubers (minuto 19)

2017-02-02 Pastafarismo: vivir con un colador de pasta en la cabeza

2017-04-25 LocoMundo: Quequé y el dios Monstruo del Espagueti Volador

2017-05-21 La Iglesia de la pasta, albóndigas y un volcán de cerveza [descargar PDF]

2017-05-27 Solicitamos a Kichi conceda la medalla de oro de la ciudad al Monstruo Espagueti Volador

2017-05-29 Más de 3.000 firmas apoyan ya la concesión de la Medalla de Oro de Cádiz al Monstruo Espagueti Volador

2017-05-31 Los pastafaris piden la medalla de oro de Cádiz para el Monstruo Spagueti Volador

2017-06-01 Los pastafaris llevarán 10.000 firmas a Kichi para que de la Medalla de Oro de Cádiz al Monstruo Espagueti Volador


2011-06-14 [AT] Austrian driver allowed ‘pastafarian’ headgear photo

2013-08-01 [CZ] Obcanku s cedníkem zarazilo ministerstvo. Pastafariány Cesko neuznává

2014-01-07 [US] Pastafarian minister Christopher Schaeffer is sworn into New York Town Council

2014-02-10 [UK] By Censoring Its Atheist Society, South Bank Student Union Is Failing to Protect Its Students’ Rights

2014-09-05 [US] Oklahoma woman claims spaghetti strainer as religious headwear in license picture

2014-09-13 [US] Is It Time for Government to Recognize the Rights of Pastafarians?

2014-10-22 [PL] Official: Pastafarianism is not a religion

2015-01-29 [CA] Pastafarian’s fight with ICBC comes to a boil

2015-11-16 [US] Woman Wins Right to Wear Colander on Her Head in Driver’s License Photoo

2015-12-11 [US] Florida atheists win the ‘war on Christmas’ as Flying Spaghetti Monster and beer pole replace baby Jesus

2015-12-19 [US] Flying Spaghetti Monster followers erect holiday display at Mich. capitol

2016-01-13 [RU] Pasta la vista! Russian Pastafarian driver told to wear his ‘sieve’ hat – or lose his license

2016-01-23 [DK] Det Flyvende Spaghettimonster er kommet til Danmark

2016-01-23 [MT] After the prayers and the pork… the pasta takes over Msida

2016-01-25 [US] Pastafarians React To ‘Dark Noodles’ In Milky Way News On Twitter

2016-01-26 [NL] We zijn officieel ingeschreven bij de KVK!

2016-02-03 [NL] Church of Flying Spaghetti Monster Finally an Official Denomination in Netherlands

2016-02-18 [US] Wisconsin recognizes the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster

2016-03-01 [NZ] New Zealand gets first ‘Pastafarian’ pastor

2016-03-01 [SG] Singaporean of ‘Pastafarian’ faith wears strainer for driving license photo

2016-03-26 [RU] В Нижнем Новгороде открыли первый в России «ХраЛММ» Макаронного Монстра

2016-04-01 [TT] Flying Spaghetti Monster demands public holiday

2016-04-14 [US] What Happens When ‘Religious Liberty’ Meets The Flying Spaghetti Monster?

2016-04-15 [DE] Spaghetti Monster church to keep legal case on the boil

2016-04-16 [NZ] World’s first Pastafarian wedding takes place in New Zealand

2016-04-21 [CA] Québec needs not fear the Flying Spaghetti Monster

2016-04-25 [US] A Federal Judge Just Told You if Your Religion Is ‘Real’ or Not

2016-04-26 [IE] ‘Pastafarian’ who wants to wear colander on head loses bias case

2016-04-26 [ES] Flying Spaghetti Monster row over sermon on the beach

2016-04-28 [US] New believers bubble up at First Pastafarian Church of Norman

2016-04-29 [BE] Gentse ‘pastafarian’ wil met pastavergiet op identiteitskaart

2016-05-19 [PL] Polish court rejects ‘Pastafarian’ case

2016-07-05 [US] Should employers accommodate pasta worshippers?

2016-07-09 [US] Illinois Won’t Let This Pastafarian Keep Her Amazing Driver’s License Photo

2016-09-14 [US] Man’s Faith Completely Undone Due to Flying Spaghetti Monster Argument

2016-10-15 [US] Employers Challenged by Religious Discrimination, Appearance Issues

2016-10-19 [LV] World’s tastiest religion refused official recognition in Latvia

2016-11-01 [US] Big in Europe: The Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster

2016-11-30 [AU] This guy got a Victorian driver’s licence with a pasta strainer on his head

2016-12-02 [SK] Slovakia Bars Islam, Atheistic ‘Flying Spaghetti Monster’ From Obtaining Official Religion Status

2016-12-10 [US] What other religions could learn from the Pastafarians

2016-12-16 [US] Flying Spaghetti Monster returns to State Capitol

2016-12-26 [BG] Bulgaria Denies Registration to Church of Flying Spaghetti Monster

2017-01-25 [NL] Pastafarians Lose Colander Rights

2017-02-22 [IT] How I became Pastafarian and why I quit

2017-05-12 [RU] Sergei Shnurov recognized saints. Have pastafarian

2017-08-02 [DE] Corte alemana falla contra la Iglesia del Monstruo Espagueti







